EventsVote Riders Identification Clinic

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Vote Riders Identification Clinic

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Quincie Douglas Library


VoteRiders is an organization that tables at several libraries around town that helps people obtain a driver’s license or State ID for free.

Do you need ID? We help people get the ID they need to cast a ballot that counts. We pay for ID/Drivers License, Birth Certificate, and or Social Security Card. We provide transportation to government offices to complete the process (in areas where rideshare is available). We also provide a mailing address if you do not currently have a place to receive mail.

Services available to US citizens 16 or older and those impacted by the criminal justice system. If you can't stop in for one of our clinics, please call or text 1 866 ID2 VOTE or 1 866 432 8683.

Suitable for:
Adults (18+)
Civics & Society

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