"Didn't Come From Nothing"
An African-American Story of Life
What better way to recognize Black History Month than to read about our own local history? Take a look at some fascinating titles about African American History in Tucson and the American Southwest that you can choose from.
29 items
An African-American Story of Life
A Black Soldiers Anthology
a Black Soldiers Anthology
Records, Reports, and Recollections of Military Life and Service in the West
Conversations With Ricardo's Daughter
Buffalo Soldiers in the Frontier Army
a Narrative of the Black Cavalry in the West
One Woman's Journey Through Desegregation and Beyond
Recipes and Recollections of African Americans in Tucson
a Report of the African American History Internship Project
Biographical Memoirs of the Dunbar Neighborhood in Th 40's and 50's
the Early Years, 1940-1960
a Report on A-Mountain Neighborhood History for the Casa Alegre Mural Project
You've viewed 20 of 29 items